Kirk Zack

Kirk and his sister, Katharine.

My name is Kirk. I live in Hood River, Oregon, and so I heard about Project Koru through Kiteboard 4 Cancer. As the event grew we became involved, as we grew to become kiters we got even more involved. 

And then, as unfortunately as cancer affects everybody, it started to take on a whole new meaning. My sister Laura passed away from ovarian cancer. Flash forward a couple years, and now my sister Katharine is battling leukemia. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that cancer affects everyone in one way or another. 

That's why we do what we do now. If the one thing we can do is support Project Koru then great. If for no other reason, it gives people hope.

There's so many great people out there. And everybody has a story. If you take a few minutes to listen to it and share it, maybe that encourages somebody else to share theirs. And we can all face these things knowing we’re not alone.

I have a Jack Daniels patch on my board. My sister Laura gave it to me because we used to drink Jack Daniels on my board together. That’s my way of taking her out with me every time I'm kiting.


Claudia and Dave Raleigh