

The Project Koru logo is one of my favorite things.  The tall mountains and vast waters have always told the Project Koru story, as these great earthly delights hold so many memories of adventure, nature, healing, and growth.  Our logo has taken on a different meaning during these times.  As a small organization navigating through a global crisis, I now look at that same image and I see possibility.  The possibility of climbing a tall mountain of change, together and one step at a time.  The possibility of making it back to shore after taking on massive swells in an ocean of uncertainty.  Project Koru will survive this pandemic because we are nearly 700 young adult cancer survivors strong.  We’ve got the grit, resiliency, and power of community to come together during tough times, support each other, and continue to build this organization for another wave of survivors.  The waves will always keep coming, and we will always be here for the next swell of cancer warriors; solid and steadfast.      

The Project Koru logo is in the shape of a circle, symbolizing community.  Our community comes first and foremost, which is why we have rapidly adjusted our in-person programs in order to continue to offer the magic of adventure and community that Project Koru is known for.  Koru Communities, our virtual programs for alumni survivors, is safely connecting survivors all over the world to empower each other through the difficulties of navigating through coronavirus as a cancer survivor.  The need for community is strong right now, especially for young adult cancer survivors.  In addition to Koru Communities, we are also proud to announce the development of virtual programming that will continue to welcome new survivors to our community.   All funds raised during these difficult times will go to support these new virtual programs, making sure no young adult cancer survivor is left behind during these unprecedented times.  In addition, all donors will recieve a Project Koro logo sticker as a thank you for supporting us!

Make sure you put the sticker somewhere you’ll see it everyday, as a reminder that none of us are alone through this; WE are a community.  We will climb this mountain together, one step at a time.  

Peace and good (Vi)bes,

Beth “Vi” Peck
Executive Director
Project Koru


Guest Blog: Community Amidst a Pandemic


Introducing "Koru Communities" in the wake of COVID-19