Introducing "Koru Communities" in the wake of COVID-19

Koru | ˈko.ɾu

A Koru is a spiral shape based on an unfurling fern frond. It symbolizes new life, growth, strength, and peace - the very channels of energy we aim to inspire for young adult cancer survivors

Community | kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē

A group of diverse people who share something in common.  The purpose of community is to instill a sense of belonging and interpersonal connectedness

As we find ourselves surrounded by uncertainty, our natural human instinct is to unite and create a space of community, connection, safety, and empowerment. At Project Koru, we know this need is even more true for young adult cancer survivors. 

In the U.S. alone, 80,000 young adults aged 20 to 39 are diagnosed with cancer each year.  Many courses of treatment leave this population immunodeficient, putting them in the higher risk category for contracting COVID-19. Higher risk also means higher levels of isolation, anxiety, and fear. Navigating through uncharted territory after experiencing trauma from cancer exacerbates the unique challenges faced by young adult cancer survivors. 

 Recognizing the need to come together while being apart, we’ve created Koru Communities.  Koru Communities will focus on virtual programming with cancer survivors in lieu of in-person adventure camps. While we may not be surfing or skiing, we will be challenging one another to grow through meaningful conversations and adhering to an online curriculum that guides survivors through a process of self discovery from the comfort of their own home.  In line with Project Koru’s mission, Koru Communities will continue to address core challenges faced by young adult cancer survivors:

  • Body Image Issues / Physicality – help survivors embrace their bodies by learning to do something they’ve never done before and finding success through activities such as yoga, dance, body movement.

  • Social Challenges: Connectedness and community is formed through a safe place to talk honestly and openly about their cancer without feeling judged or stigmatized through programming led by Project Koru wellness guides.

  • Isolation and Anxiety: Koru Communities harnesses channels of empowerment and connection to others, allowing participants to shed layers of isolation and anxiety through supportive activities with their other survivors.

  • Sense of Purpose: Koru Communities facilitates service and giving back in order to strengthen sense of purpose, community, and meaningful impact


Koru Communities also encompasses the power of unity of the entire Koru family.  YOU are part of our community!

How YOU can help:

Do you have a skill set you’d like to integrate into Koru Communities?  Want to write letters of encouragement to survivors? Access to tools that might make virtual connection easier?  Want to get involved but need guidance on how?  Email and we can chat!

We understand times are tough for everyone right now, but if you are able to make a financial donation to support this new shift and growth in much needed programming, click here.

All of us at Project Koru are committed to serving cancer survivors and creating meaningful ways for supporters to give back.  We are all in this together!


Peace and good vibes,

Beth Peck 

Executive Director

Project Koru




Project Koru's response to COVID-19